Own Documentation URL? (HELP)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kalicat, Jun 11, 2017.

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    Hello there,
    First off all, sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forums. I was wondering if I am allowed to link own site for documentation, etc. This being a plain text / basic html document. The website's download link can be re-routed to bukkit if need be?

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @kalicat on dev.bukkit? When filling plugin requests?
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    I am coding Accentials currently and was wondering to save time and provide easier formatting if I can link my own site, which links back to bukkit for download. The example link is: https://docs.accentials.pw/commands/vanish.html

    This allows me to better format it and it saves time than re-doing the documentation here.

    I wanted to make sure this was allowed

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @kalicat Those were 2 questions though...
    Put some global information on the dev.bukkit page. Then link to your docs for specific information.
    But I highly suggest using github for that though.
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    Ok, will put some global infomation on the page and link docs. Also, I have tried github previously and extremely dislike it due to it taking ages on mobile to load (for me anyway) and then my Kali Linux Laptop has issues pushing to git
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