Torch problemm [NEED HELP]

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by RAFuLL, Jun 4, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Hello, guys. Today i made a mistake. I created near 50.000 torches using worldedit plugin and i can't delete them. Is there is any command to delete all droped items on the server, or any plugin wich can do it? (I can't pick them up, because i get great laggs.)
  2. Offline


    Hey lol that happened to me just select 2 corners of cuboid and type //set <block> , make it air then they will all dissapear or just use the cut function, will destroy your landscape but will get rid of all torches or just make it all water and they will wash away the torches
  3. Offline


    You do not understand... Problem is that i didn't placed them. They're droped. And if i try to delete them with like you say, only blocks disappear but torches are still there. What should i do? I thought that they will disappear by the time, but im waiting for 4 hours and they still there. Server restart doesn't helps... help guys!

    There is no way to clear the server from dropped items?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    There is a plugin, but i don't remember it
  5. Offline


    Please, i need your help! Where i can find this plugin?
  6. Offline


    Okay WorldEdit comes with this feature built in! You could have used //undo but it's too late.

    Now you need to type /remove drops -1

    Keep on doing that and walk around where it happened until there are no more torches.
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