Solved Arraylist with spaces

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OverDodo, Apr 28, 2017.

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    So I want to create a WarnList, stored in the PlayerConfigFile. It all works but my output doesn´t make andy spaces or \n! How can I do that? I want for every reason a new line! Sorry for my bad english! Here is my code:

    ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
    add("/n" reason);
    f.set("warnreasons", list);
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @OverDodo It is a list, get the list, add an item to it.
    Don't use getString on it.
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    "f" is the FileConfiguration which I use to edit the PlayerConfig. It has nothing to do with the List.
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    @OverDodo warnreasons is a string list i guess.
    then save it
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    It is an ArrayList.. Could you please provide me a code, how I do that? I tried this now:

    f.getStringList("warnreasons").add("\n" + reason);

    cm is my ConfigManager for Players btw. help plz :c
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    @OverDodo You don't need the \n. It's a list, it's one line for an add.
    when you display it, you will just have to loops contents of the list
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @OverDodo get the list, set it in a temporary variable.
    Add a reason to it.
    Set it in the config.
    Save it.
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