Filled NPC Shop Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by asakura989, Apr 23, 2017.

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    I have citizens installed on my server. I know that you can make npcs as shop traders and it is an amazing idea however all of the npc shop plugins I have found are limited so this is what I am looking for.

    NPC Shop Plugin.

    1) choose if shop is sell/buy/both
    Ex: /shop create <shopname> <sell,buy,both>
    then to assign to the npc /assign <npcname> <shopname>
    2) GUI for add/remove of item/stacks to open config gui right click npc with stick (op only)
    3) Configure the price of the item or stack (this can be done from the gui or config file or both idc either way)
    4) Turn shop on or off (if possible)

    The ability to sell in stacks or single items

    Item or Stack in shop gui should specify in lore:
    Left click to buy
    Right click to sell

    The shop should not keep items bought or lose items sold. like an infinite amount of items in the shops inventory so that way it does not need to be restocked or emptied.

    The way this should work:
    Player left clicks the npc to open the shop gui (if it has to be right click that's fine as well)
    player right clicks the item/stack in the gui they wish to sell
    player left clicks the item/stack in the gui they wish to buy
    player exits the gui by clicking a Blue glass pane labeled Exit

    Only ops should be able to create and manage shops!

    The closest plugin I have found (and am currently trying to use is
    which is very buggy and unreliable
    It conflicts with the plugin:
    causing anyone with the ultracosmetics item to recieve a small bug
    what the bug is, is that when a player who has the cosmetics item on them (can not be moved from the hot bar by the way once you have it, it is stuck on the hot bar) uses the shop they are fine until they log out. upon logging back in they receive the items default of whatever the cosmetic item is:
    explanation on this.
    by default the uc item is an enderchest but renamed and acts as the gui controller. if a player has it and uses shop when they log out and back in a regular enderchest appears in the players inventory. we tried to change this and found that no matter what item acts as the controller the player will receive that item as a regular item as well. this could have led to people spam logging in and out to receive an unlimited amount of ender chests so we changed the item to a blank_map and are now just suffering through players having to dispose of the blank_map that spawns in their inv upon login.

    an updated version of dtltraders or VERY similar plugin -the glitchy interface that seems to dislike custom items would be greatly appreciated if possible.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
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    BUMP Has anyone any information on this or ideas?
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