Better Prison Cells

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by will2022, Jan 25, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Admin and player tools/ Prison plugins

    Minecraft version: 1.8.8

    Java version: 7

    Suggested name: BetterPrisonCells

    What I want: I'd like a plugin like areashop and prisoncells in one plugin

    Ideas for commands:
    • /bpc add <cellname> #Use schematic from worldedit and save it as <cellname> the schematic should have a iron door and a sign
    • /bpc create <cellname> #Gives you an iron door named <cellname> and a number '001' '002' ... when you place the door it is creating a cell where worldguard region is set from a config.yml the door and air in the cell is a region where the member(s) can what there it is set
    • /bpc setprice <cellname> <value> #Sets the cells rent price
    • /ce addfriend #Adds a friend as member to the region
    • /ce delfriend #Deletes a friend as member from region
    • /ce rent #Rent a region by cell id (<cellname> and a number '001' '002' ... )
    • /ce unrent #Unrent the region the player own and the player have to be in it
    • /ce help #All '/ce <arguments> ' commands listed
    • /bcp help #All '/bcp <arguments> ' commands listed
    Config ideas:

    duration: 1 day
    price: 300
    Config for signs:
    #When the cell is rented:
    line1: '&4&l[Rented!]'
    line2: '%region%' #Rented region
    line3: '%player%' #Player that rented the region
    line4: '%untilshort%' #Until it is get automatically unrented / The time there is left
    #When the cell is unrented:
    line1: '&2&l[For rent!]'
    line2: '%region%' #For rent region
    line3: '%duration%' #How long you buy
    line4: '%price%' #The price for renting it

    Ideas for permissions:
    • bpc.* #Access to all commands /bpc <arguments> /ce <arguments>
    • bpc.ce.* #Access to all default commands /ce <arguments>
    • bcp.create #Access to /bcp create
    • bcp.add #Access to /bpc add
    • bcp.ce.addfriend #Access to /ce addfriend
    • bcp.ce.delfriend #Access to /ce delfriend
    • #Access to /ce rent
    • bcp.ce.unrent #Access to /ce unrent
    • #Access to /ce help
    See areashop and prisoncells to see more about config
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    BUMP | Plz write something if you like to make it
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    I could do this if you wanted, but you would have ro like right click one corner of the cell and left click the other and then do /bpc create <cellname> if that's ok then i'll go ahead and start working on it
  4. Offline


    Nice that's fine:) Should i click in the corners every time i would like to create a new cell?
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    yes, you would place the schematics yourself, and then click the corners and run the create command
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    Do you still have a lot of homework?
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    I think you might have to find someone else to do it. I'm capeable but my family is going through some struggles right now and i just haven' t got the time to work on it anymore. I'm really sorry and I hope that mabey I can help you again sometime in the future. :)
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    @will2022 What exactly are you missing in AreaShop? Probably the chest GUI? I'm the author of AreaShop so I'm interested in seeing what you are missing so that I can add that to AreaShop :)
    timtower likes this.
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    @nlthijs48 i'm wanting that when placing a door named the saved cell or shop it will spawn or place a schematic from that you had saved like what prisoncells did

    I had AreaShop installed in 1-2 years on my server but now it's taking too long to create all that cells...
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    @will2022 AreaShop can save/restore from schematic files, which is very flexible so I would be surprised if it cannot be setup how you want (if you explain to me in detail how the save and restore should work I can help you with the configuration).

    Creating regions does not have to be one-by-one, check this page, basically you need to learn how to use '/as stack'. This command works a bit like the '//stack' of WorldEdit, but instead of repeating a set of blocks it creates a row of regions and adds them to AreaShop. For adding/linking a bunch of signs you can use '/as linksigns', which makes it easy to setup a lot of regions.

    Configuring regions can also be done in groups, either set the options in 'default.yml' to apply to all regions or add some regions to a region group ('/as groupadd <group> [region]', uses all regions found in your WorldEdit selection if no region is given) and add settings for that group in 'groups.yml'.

    Let me know if that helps with the problems you had with AreaShop.
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    @nlthijs48 That helped but i'm using skript to prison cells now because of i can easily edit the skript and add more actions if i wanted:)
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