Loading Schematics

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by malikdbuseck, Jan 7, 2017.

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    Currently I am looking for a way to load and paste schematics into my server. I have looked for days now for code and documentation that helps but so far their is jack. So anyone that would like to help me that would be great. This is what I have rn for loading the schematic.

    GZIPInputStream fis = (GZIPInputStream) getClass().getResourceAsStream("medievalhouse.schematic");
                NBTTagCompound nbtdata = NBTCompressedStreamTools.a(fis);
                short width = nbtdata.getShort("Width");
                short height = nbtdata.getShort("Height");
                short length = nbtdata.getShort("Length");
                byte[] blocks = nbtdata.getByteArray("Blocks");
                byte[] data = nbtdata.getByteArray("Data");
                byte[] material = nbtdata.getByteArray("Materials");
                NBTTagList entities = nbtdata.getList("Entities", length);
                NBTTagList tileentities = nbtdata.getList("TileEntities", length);
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    I actually I have found a much much easy way. Simply just just moved the two methods that I need from the worldedit code into my class.
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    Ended up working exactly how I want it to
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