Adding Items from a specified slot further

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Exfamous, Dec 10, 2016.

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    Ok so I'm coding a map system, and I when player's join they're givin' a compass that when opened gives active maps( ones they can join ) on top and in the middle there's a splitter. Then the bottom there's the inactive maps (ones they can't join). I've seen many servers have these type of menus where they have it restarting, and etc.. but instead I have inactive. I'm using one file maps.yml that contains a active-list and a inactive-list, they update through commands such as /map activate/deactivate <map>. Then when I do /map create Map it creates a seperate yml for that map, <mapname>.yml.

    So for example I have two maps, Map A, and Map B.

    Here's what the result is so far when I deactivated all my maps (Map A & B)

    Here's what the result is so far when I activate 1 map and leave the other deactivated:
    Map A activated, Map B deactivated.

    Here's what the result is so far when I activate all my maps (Map A & B).

    public static Inventory ffaMapSelector() {
            Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 45, Message.formatMessage("&aSelect a Map : "));
            for(String active : main.mapsYML.getStringList("")) {
                File f = new File("plugins/Server/FFA/Maps/" + active + ".yml");
                YamlConfiguration y = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(f);
                ItemStack activeMap = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(35), 1, (short) 4);
                ItemMeta activeMapM = activeMap.getItemMeta();
                activeMapM.setDisplayName(Message.formatMessage("&a") + active);
                activeMapM.setLore(Arrays.asList(Message.formatMessage("&aActive Map : &fAvailable to join!"),Message.formatMessage("&7(&a" + y.getInt("map-info.players") + "&7/&a" + y.getInt("map-info.max-players") + "&7)")));
            ItemStack choose = new ItemStack(Material.MAP);
            ItemMeta chooseM = choose.getItemMeta();
            chooseM.setDisplayName(Message.formatMessage("&aWhere would you like to go?"));
            chooseM.setLore(Arrays.asList(Message.formatMessage("&aActive Maps &fUpward"), Message.formatMessage("&cInactive Maps &fDownward")));
            ItemStack divider = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(160), 1, (short) 4);
            ItemMeta dividerM = divider.getItemMeta();
            dividerM.setDisplayName(" ");
            inv.setItem(18, divider);
            inv.setItem(19, divider);
            inv.setItem(20, divider);
            inv.setItem(21, divider);
            inv.setItem(22, choose);
            inv.setItem(23, divider);
            inv.setItem(24, divider);
            inv.setItem(25, divider);
            inv.setItem(26, divider);
            for(String inactive : main.mapsYML.getStringList("maps.inactive-list")) {
                ItemStack inactiveMap = new ItemStack(Material.getMaterial(35), 1, (short) 14);
                for(ItemStack inactiveMaps : new ItemStack[]{inv.getItem(27),inv.getItem(28),inv.getItem(29),inv.getItem(30),inv.getItem(31),inv.getItem(32),inv.getItem(33),inv.getItem(34),inv.getItem(35),inv.getItem(36),inv.getItem(37),inv.getItem(38),inv.getItem(39),inv.getItem(40),inv.getItem(41),inv.getItem(42),inv.getItem(43),inv.getItem(44)}) {
                    File f = new File("plugins/Server/FFA/Maps/" + inactive + ".yml");
                    YamlConfiguration y = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(f);
                    ItemMeta inactiveMapM = inactiveMap.getItemMeta();
                    inactiveMapM.setDisplayName(Message.formatMessage("&a") + inactive);
                    inactiveMapM.setLore(Arrays.asList(Message.formatMessage("&cInactive Map : &fUnable to join."),Message.formatMessage("&7(&a" + y.getInt("map-info.players") + "&7/&a" + y.getInt("map-info.max-players") + "&7)")));
                    inv.setItem(main.mapsYML.getList("maps.inactive-list").size() + 26, inactiveMap);
            return inv;
    So, I want to add inactive maps from one slot onward. If you guys can help me it will be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
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  3. Offline


    What exactly is your question?
  4. Offline


    I'm trying to figure out a method that will add items from a specified slot further, so say I choose a slot, 26, and then I wanted to add items from that point forward. Similar to addItems method but this starts from a specific slot.
  5. Offline


    If you are just wanting to know how to add items from a single index onwards, you can just have a counter for the number of items that increases after each item, and add that to the starting index in the inv.

    Here is an example of the code (you may need to tweak it slightly to match yours):
    public void addAfterIndex(Inventory inv, int startingIndex, ItemStack... items) {
        int currentSlot = 0; // This is to make sure you don't re-use a slot
        for (ItemStack stack : items) { // Loop through all of the items that you are adding
            inv.setItem(startingIndex + currentSlot, stack); // Place the item in the slot
            currentSlot++; // Change the slot you are using to the next one over
  6. Offline


    That has the same result.
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  8. Offline


    Could you please post your current code?
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