Multiple groups in groupmanager (for a prison server)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by LosARCHIE, Dec 10, 2016.

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    I want to be able to put a person into multiple groups because it's a prison server and you need a...b...c etc. but i also want donations so you can have something like this:

    [Donated Rank] Name [Lvl Rank]: hi

    but me nor my team can find a way to do it, please help
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    you could change your buycraft to manually add the donator permissions and a prefix?
    manuaddv {player} prefix &4Donator
    manuaddp {player}

    Then they can just be in the seperate prison ranks, with the donator perms, kits and prefix, its how id deal with it but idk do it however you want
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    Thank you so much, you've been so helpful
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    Better yet, if you're not using the suffix then you should set up chat formatting like so:
    [Prefix] [Suffix] PlayerName: Message

    So that you can use prefix for prison rank and suffix for donor rank:
    [A] [VIP] oceantheskatr: Problem solved?
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