
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by UnknownBrueck, Nov 25, 2016.

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    Plugin category: idk

    Minecraft version: 1.10

    Suggested name: ItemEffects

    What I want: I have requested something like this in the past. Basically I would like a plugin where you can have potion effects on items. First if you type the command "/potionset {effect}" while holding an item it will make it so everytime you hold the item it will give you the effect and when you stop holding it then it will go away. If you type the command "/potiongive {effect} {time}" then it will set it so when you are holding a sword and you typed the command then it will make it so when you hit a player then it will give them the potion effect for the time that you set. I could not find any plugin like this and I have been searching for a long time. NOTE: please done make it so where it changed the lore. Also I am talking about POTION effects.

    Ideas for commands: "/potionset {effect}" , "/potiongive {effect} {time}".

    Ideas for permissions: itemeffects.set , itemeffetcts.give

    When I'd like it by: Anytime
  2. Offline


    I'll give this a shot
  3. Offline


    okay cool!
  4. Offline


    @808sFinest When you have any progres, please do give a head up here, this plugin seems interesting.

    EDIT: Since there is a thing with arrows that allows basically the same thing, this might actually work, would be good if you could do this possible for bows as well.. not only sword, if the plugin requestor doesnt want it to be for bows as well, maybe make it so that it is configurable on what items is it allowed to put on
  5. Offline


    I would think what he wanted is with special particles on the weapons that have this ability on them
  6. @Puzikovs
    Ok, but then if you could somehow recode ToolandFoodFX, you could probably add the particles on them, too.
  7. Offline


    can yall explain more about the particles xD
  8. Offline


    @808sFinest What he wanted to make is some particles going around the character OR weapon itself if possible while holding it as an active on hand item. if possible, if not then particles on character, some glowy things or anything particle kind, as far as i understood...

    @BananaPuncher714 yeah yet it is nor mine nor hes plugin to get the codes to recode...
  9. Offline


    oh I meant to effect as in potion effects. xD
  10. Offline


    Player MUST be holding a sword when executing the command? Also any specific sword?(diamond, wood, etc.)
  11. Offline


    Basically the player must be holding the sword when executing the command so the potion effect and be attached on to the sword. It will be saved on that specific sword and each time they pole it out again it will give them the effect again. And when they put it away the effect will immediately go away.

    EDIT: It can be any item
  12. Offline


    If you still want it, I can definitely get this done. Reply if you still need it.
  13. Offline


    yes please
  14. Offline


    Plugin category: idk
    Minecraft version: 1.10 - 1.11

    Suggested name: PAI

    What I want: I would like a plugin that has potion effects attached to the item. For example when you take out a sword it gives you speed and when you put it away then you have nothing. But the items have to be set in the config. For example

    type: Speed
    duration: 999999
    level: 2
    As you can see everytime you pull out a diamond sword it gives you speed.

    This is the config that normal items get. But can you make it so it can support attribute modified items.
    instead of an item that has all caps like "DIAMOND_SWORD", could you make it so it can support items like this -

    diamond_sword 1 0 {display:{Lore:["This is a weapon"],Name:"Test Weapon"},ench:[{id:19,lvl:4},{id:20,lvl:3}],AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.attackDamage",Name:"generic.attackDamage",Amount:5,Operation:0,UUIDMost:76730,UUIDLeast:104861}],HideFlags:2}
    This is what an attribute modified item looks like. I would like the plugin to support these kind of items.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: All players can use it, no permissions needed

    When I'd like it by: Anytime
  15. Offline

    No need to create another thread when you just have that one.

    Anyway, I guess seeing this getting reposted gives me another reason to do it, lel.

    EDIT: How would the duration work? That doesn't seem needed because if they aren't holding the item it gets removed, and if they are holding it, the effect is permanent.
  16. Offline


    Thanks for the help! I don't need it anymore though
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