Config.yml and permissions

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Gus122000, Jun 1, 2011.

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    I've downloaded the lastest version of permissions (3.0.6) and I can't seem to place anything anywhere within game. The read me said I need to edit my config.yml file and rename it to the map's name but I haven't seen such a file anywhere. Help ?

    Still need help with this, pretty sure there's someone out there who can answer my question.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
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    You didnt read the upgrade document well enough. I just did the same thing this morning with mine. backup your old original permissions file.

    just follow the upgrade directions. I had to split up the file. one for groups and one for users. also a change was needed to the users file. then after i got it working in one world, I made a folder for each world (World1, World2 etc etc) then copied the files from the world that was working to the rest of the worlds.

    If this sounds confusing sorry but just read the read-me/upgrade directions....thats what they are there for.
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    I'm not upgrading, this is my first time using permissions. I read everything included in the rar file. Not sure what you mean by you having to split up those files, groups and users were already in the world folder and what change are you talking about ?
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    You'll want to start with the zip version of Permissions. It has the default template files and tells you to put them in your plugins\permissions\<world> directory. Then inside the files are more instructions on how to set it up the first time. You'll also get the 3.1 version of Permissions which has some important fixes over the 3.0.6 version.
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