Solved How do I check if a player has Looting?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MCnumi, Jul 7, 2016.

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    Pretty much the title, but I'm asking this since there are 4 different enchants that begin with Looting.
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    If you're checking for looting for killing a mob, then use Loot_Bonus_Mob. If you want it for a block, then use Loot_Bonus_Block.
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    Ah, but I can't find one for a player...
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    entitydeathevent, check if death instance of player, check if item that player was killed with is equal to (item) then check if has enchantment looting, or check if item player was killed with has enchament looting
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    You would have to create a separate if statement checking if the killed entity was an instanceof a Player, along with a check for Loot_Bonus_Mob.
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    Thats not my question... my question is if there is an enchantment Enum for Looting that involves hitting player, not just mobs or blocks.

    @Zombie_Striker Thanks for all your help, I already had instanceof Player. didn't know I could use looting_mobs for that though :p

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