
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by MrFlashPoint, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Plugin category: Admin/Fun

    Minecraft version: 1.10

    Suggested name: EasyStats

    What I want: That he record all kils and deats of player.

    Ideas for commands:
    /eranks - See the top players with most kils and lowest deaths.
    /eranks reload - reload the config.
    /eranks setdeaths <player> <how many>
    /eranks setkils <player> <how many>
    /eranks reset <player> - Set the deaths and kils to 0

    Ideas for permissions:

    /eranks > eRanks.basic
    all other > eRanks.admin

    Color Support.
    UUID Ofcourse
    Option to change the message of all commands.

    When I'd like it by: I not need it now. Making an PvP Sever what still is taking weeks.
  2. Offline


    So basically a combination of my Stats and Highscores plugins? Might as well use those and use an alias for the command :) Please note that Highscores is currently not compatible with Stats 3, if you decide to try it out.
  3. @Lolmewn
    Yes. I checked your stats plugin and also found out that there is no highscore option to it now. Do you know when you have also that? (That the highscore works with stats) And second can you maybe add color support?
  4. Offline


    @MrFlashPoint Highscores is a separate plugin I made. As for color; it's available in Stats 3.
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