Elyta Momentum

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by IMightBeMeshua, Jul 2, 2016.

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    What I want: Heya, with the End Update and the Elytra being released, I'm sure we've all had our fun flying around pretending to be a fighter jet, weaving between buildings and then falling short just before that epic manoeuvre. I'd love to see a plugin that essentially turns off your momentum while you're flying with an elytra, so instead of having to come to a stop because you run out of speed, you just keep moving! Like a real fighter jet!
    Tl:dr, ake Elytra into a jetpack that will make you keep moving regardless of the angle you're heading.

    Ideas for commands: /ElytraMomentum, /Elytra, /ElytraGlide, /ToggleGlide, /ToggleElytra

    Ideas for permissions: player.toggleelytra

    When I'd like it by: Whenever ^.^
  2. Offline


    This is a cool idea. Like better-looking flying. I will see how this could be done
    IMightBeMeshua likes this.
  3. Offline


    Check out a plugin called "super elytra" I would link it but I'm lazy.
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    Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pku8j0a8yrgdjvx/ElytraMovement.jar?dl=0

    Please tell me if it's okay to upload this to dev.bukkit.org.

    I made the permission elytramomentum.toggleglide.
    Commands: all the ones you said, and /toggleelytra

    UPDATE: added config with "update-delay". The lower this is, the less buggy it will seem (also, the more potential for lag there is). This is the amount of ticks between each "elytra gliding update". It must be atleast 1. It is by default 5. (1 is where it begins to look smooth). Note: unless there are multiple people at once using elytras, all with /toggleglide enabled, there should not really be any lag, no matter how low this number is.

    Use this same link. I am still working on possibly customizing the messages.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
    ChipDev and IMightBeMeshua like this.
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    Cheers man, I'll test it ASAP :D
  6. Offline


    What? AMAZING! Installing immediately

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    I Al Istannen

    This will prohibit some of the fun features of elytras, won't it? (I haven't tested it, I may be wrong!)
    You set the velocity to the players direction, so it is fixed. The normal elytra can speed up and slow down.

    I think there is a commandblock contraption for this, which works with spawning entities underneath the player, which push him up slightly. Then instantly killing them on the next tick.

    May want to look into it?
    MCMastery likes this.
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    Tried to test it, permission is elytramomentum.toggleglide, not elytramovement.

    Other than that, works how I liked it to :D

    Would it be possible to have a speed of movement option?

    And you can absolutely upload it to the collective :p
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
    MCMastery likes this.
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    I'll look at this (just came back from vacation)
    I Al Istannen likes this.
  10. Offline


    Ah sorry, I made a typo in my post for the permission.

    I added a speed variable in the config.yml. By default it is 1.

    Download: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/elytramomentum/

    Now I am working on making it less jerky.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
    IMightBeMeshua likes this.
  11. Offline


    Just wanted to mention that this kind of plugin allready exists. With accelleration by pressing shift, fuel tank with display on screen, particles and neat stuff like that ;)
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