Plugin Help Eggwars ???

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by birmoCraft, May 10, 2016.

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    hello friends .. :)
    how can create an Eggwars minigame plugin like the one in spigot ??? :/
    and thanks ^_^
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    Could you precise your question ? We could be more helpful then ;)
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    there are no eggwars plugin in bukkit :(... so ... can someone create one :rolleyes:... like the one in spigot :D and thanks ..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @birmoCraft And what is eggwars then? How do you play? Commands? Permissions? Functionality?
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    okay .^^
    eggwars is a is like bedwars with some edits . ..... several teams compete in an arena in sky ..
    if team want to win they need destroy the egg of the other teams and kill its members
    for this they need to buy things at his island's village with materials collected from generators ..and the last team wins
    you can watch more info for this minigame .. in this video

    Commands :
    /EW commands
    • /ew join <ARENA> - Join an arena.
    • /ew leave - Leave the arena.
    • /ew lobby - Teleport to lobby
    • /ew randomJoin - Join a random arena.
    /EWL commands
    • /ewl tpArena <Arena name> - Teleports you to an arena.
    • /ewl setMainLobby - Sets the main lobby.
    • /ewl createArena <Name> - Creates an arena.
    • /ewl removeArena <Arena name> - Removes an arena.
    • /ewl addTeam <Arena name> <Team name> <Team colore> - Adds a team.
    • /ewl removeTeam <Arena name> <Team name> - Removes the last team created.
    • /ewl setLobby <Arena name> - Sets arena lobby.
    • /ewl setCenter <Arena name> - Sets arena center.
    • /ewl setTeamEgg <Arena name> <Team number> - Sets team's egg.
    • /ewl setTeamSpawn <Arena name> <Team number> - Sets team's spawn.
    • /ewl setTeamRespawn <Arena name> <Team number> - Sets team's respawn.
    • /ewl setTeamVillager <Arena name> <Team number> - Sets team's villager shop
    • /ewl setCountdown <Arena name> <Number> - Sets start arena coundown.
    • /ewl setGameCountdown <Arena name> <Number> - Sets start game coundown.
    • /ewl setFullCountdown <Arena name> <Number> - Set the coundown when the arena is full.
    • /ewl setMaxPlayersPerTeam <Arena name> <Number> - Sets max players per team number.
    • /ewl setTime <Arena name> <Number> - Sets the arena / game time.
    • /ewl setMinPlayers <Arena name> <Number> - Sets min players number to start.
    • /ewl teamList <Arena name> - See all arena's teams.
    • /ewl cloneArena <Arena name> <New name>- Clones an arena.
    SIGNS :

    1.join sign :
    first line:[EggWars] color : orange
    second line :ArenaName : color : -green if the arena is not full ... -red if the arena is full or if the game is in playing mode

    2.generator sign ..
    first line : [egggen]
    second line : gold/iron/diamond/
    third line : the level 1 or 2 or 3 or broken ..if it is broken .. it will not work but you can upgrade with resources to pass to level 1 /read this description bellow to now what are you going to do in the level
    The generator allows the generation of Resource of iron or gold, or Diamond .. and be initially slow. When assembling a certain amount of Resource, you can increase the level of generation speed,
    When you click on sign, two buttons appear. the first button do not do anything , and there are in it this information :
    -Resource type: gold or Diamond or iron
    -Speed: Speed in seconds .. Diamond takes 8 seconds in the beginning ... and in the second level takes 5.5 seconds .. At the third and Last level it takes 3 seconds .. and then the levels of Dimaond finish...
    Gold : gold takes in the level one 6 seconds .... and then in the level 2 it takes 4.5 seconds .. and then in the last level it takes 2 seconds ... and then the levels of Gold finish...
    Iron : first level it takes 4 seconds ... and in the seclevel it takes 2 seconds .. and then in the 3 level it takes 1 sec ... and then in the last level it takes 0.5 seconds ....
    The generators does not work ... only during the game, after the countdown of the beginning of the game ..

    the second buttom is the upgrade buttom .. Note : the player can just upgrade to the next level
    there are this info in the second buttom : upgrade to level 1 with ...

    -the dimond : if it is broken : the player need 10 diamond to upgrade to level 1
    level 2 : the player need 15 diamond to upgrade to level 2
    level 3 ; the player need to 20 diamond to upgrade to level 3 .

    -gold : if it is broken : the player need 20 iron ingot to upgrade to level 1
    level 2 : the player need 10 gold ingot to upgrade to level 2
    level 3 : the player need 20 gold ingot to upgrade to level 3

    -iron : if it is broken / the player need 10 iron ingot to upgrade to level 1
    level 2 : the player need 15 iron ingot to upgrade to level 2
    level 3 : the player need 10 gold ingot to upgrade to level 3
    level 4 : the player need 20 gold ingot to upgrade to level 4
    when someone upgrade a generator .. a fireworks showed to him .. and for the other players to ..
    photos for the generators :

    .this is the diamond generator ... the color of the diamond labbel is diamond... the gold is in yellow and the iron is in grey

    upgrading generator

    genmen 1.JPG secgen 1.JPG Capture.JPG Capture 2.JPG

    THE villager's shop ..
    there are a list like this
    --armors - weapons - food - blocks - Others - potions - pickaxes - archery--
    how it works ??
    Example :
    When one of the players right clickto a buttom , a menu appear to him, and for example he choose armors.. it shows a villager's shop with a armors he gives iron or Gold or Diamond. Depending on the amount, and any one can change the menu from the config
    1.JPG 2.JPG 3.JPG
    the villager is like an npc .do not move and do not look to players but you can keep his sound...

    The egg :
    the eeg is a Dragon Egg ..
    What did it do ??
    Example :
    whene someone from red team kill someone from yellow team .. the yellow's egg can respawn it but his things will disappear .. and the red player can not get his things .. but ... whene the egg is broken by red player .. the yellow player cant respawn .. and when he dead .. he will be a spectator and he will returne to the mainlobby in the other world after 10 seconds ...
    when the egg is broken : the sound is the Thunder sound
    the egg cant move when player right click on it and it will not brockened by it team .. and a message appear like this : :You can't break your own Egg [in red]... but by another team .. it can be breakable.. and a message will appear : the [team name] egg was brocken [in red] ... and a labble will apear in the game screen in red like this The [team name] egg was brocken ... when a player want to destroy an egg ... he will destroy it like an op [he can destroy it without pickaxe or somethings like that ]

    when the players are in the countdown .. the game will transfer them to a glasse room .. [the glass room is in the colore of the team ] like skywars .. but in a 8x8 glasse room
    and then after the coundown when they join the game .. anythings cant hurt the players ..but after 5 seconds the players will not in unhurt mode ...
    players in one team cant hurt there self

    i have an example of a some thing :
    when red player write a lettel in chatbox only the red players can see it .. but the others can't

    the colores of teams are this:
    Red, blue, yellow, green, white, black, orange, purple, lime, Pink

    The perms :
    • - Allows place an eggwars sign.
    • eggwars.sign.break - Allows break an eggwars sign.
    • - Allows place a generator.
    • eggwars.gen.remove - Allows break a generator.
    • eggwars.setup - Allows use /ews.
    • eggwars.command.<lobby:leave:join> - Allows use the selected command.
    • - Allows place a stat sign.
    • eggwars.stats.break - Allows break a stat sign.
    • eggwars.kit.<ID> - Kit permission.
    • eggwars.freekit.<ID> Allows players to buy kits for free!
    • eggwars.villager.<ShopID> - Allows open a villager's shop.
    Note : players can just break the blocks that are placed during the game

    Lobby menu
    when the players join the lobby ... a menu will appear in the block bar [i do not known the name of this bar]
    there are 3 buttoms
    first .. the returne to the lobby buttom :[bed]
    second ... the teams buttoms [map]

    -The score board :
    the game needs 2 scoreboards .
    thefirst board : this scoreboard will run during the lobby . [whene the players join the game and came to the lobby]
    the second scboard : this score board contain the teams ...

    - - - - whene the players join the game .. it Appear in front of the names of the teams a green true mark if the egg is note broke .. and .. if the egg is broke ... it Appear in front of the names of the teams a red x mark ...
    and if all the players of the team [if the egg is broke ] are died .. the team name disappear ....
    Note : the teams name with their colores .

    the scorboard is like this :
    --EggWars-- colore : purple
    team with colore
    team with colore
    ect ect .....
    the website ...

    photos :

    who use this plugin can :
    -change the scoreboard info in th config
    -change generator's resources from the config
    -change the sound whene the egg was broken
    -change the shop items .. and the menu of shop from the shop config [another config file ]

    -and another great things .... you can add them ^^

    the plugin folder need to :
    signs : Here record all join signs
    shop : Here there are the shop Npc . the default npc is a VILLAGER .. you can change this --EXAMPLE : IRON_GOLEM ... and you can change his name : deault is Eggwar's shop {colore is yellow}
    and also a config file ....and the arena folder .. the arena's info are here .... the generator's place and the arena location.......

    this is all the information about EggWars .. you can call it EggWars reloaded/rel .... and this is like the bedwars rel ..
    so .... yep. ^^
    the bukkit version of this minigame is 1.8 and 1.8.1 and 1.9 ^^

    sorry for my bad english ...
    I am from algeria ^^

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 13, 2016
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    this is all the info about this plugin ... ^_^
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    bump, i want dis
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    Bump, I NEED THIS
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