Localized chat and shouting

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by kirbsrob, Jun 11, 2016.

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    I would like to call this plugin realchat

    This plugin is a lot like Herochat, with a few twists.

    A player can talk to another person locally from 16 meters (not blocks) away. The plugin can tell how far the player is using the Bukkit distance method. If noone is within your radius when you talk, a message with yellow text says, "No one hears you.

    By default, players do not have permissions to /msg and there are no chat channels. However, players do have shout by default, which is activated by adding a ! before your message ("!Hello world"). These players will have a gray name and gray message in chat if they are not within your 16 meter radius. or if you are not within their 16 meter radius. The shout radius extends for 160 meters, and if they are not in their radius, no message will display for anyone else BUT, the player shouting does NOT get the message "No one hears you"

    Only an admin can listen to chat globally (Permission: realchat.global) and he can toggle this using /rc toggle. he can also use /rc reload (realchat.reload).
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
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    Machine Maker

    ok, I always thought that 1 minecraft block was 1 meter... can someone clarify?
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    1 block is 1 meter, but the player's distance from another player is not determined by how many blocks away they are from one another.
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    Machine Maker

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    This sounds fun to me, Not sure if I will be able to create this since I've never used these methods but I'll give it a try!
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    If the method doesn't work, use this formula to find the distance between players: sqrt[ (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 + (z1-z2)^2 ], but I'd recommend trying the method first.
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    I'm not that gold in math
    Update: but why meters. There are no specific measurements in minecraft , only blocks and coords
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016
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    Because block distance is different from actual distance and 1 block is essentially 1 meter.

    Also coords are measured in meters.
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