A plugin to keep repairing tools cheap

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by 2Buck, May 23, 2016.

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    Hey, I really want a plugin to make tool repair costs never go up. I don't want free repairs, I just want repairs to never go up. It's kinda ridiculous that it's gonna cost me 30 levels to fix my pick again.

    Is there already something like this? It seems like it'd be a pretty simply light weight plugin to create.
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    You want a plugin called ______

    That (select)
    1. Has a random xp level price for item repair
    2. Has a fixed xp level price for item repair
    3. Has a xp level price that never goes beyond 30*
    And you want this by __th of ____.
  3. Offline


    It's quite simple.. I said it in the OP. I want repair costs to NOT go up, to stay low like the first repair.
  4. Offline


    nowhere on a tool is it stored how many times the tool has been repaired. the only reason that repair cost goes up is because it has more enchantments on it.
  5. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    I disagree. Read this. Probably somewhere in an NBT tag.

    EDIT: Seems to be the "RepairCost" here. Just reset it to 0 to remove the penalty.

    Conclusion: If it didn't change over some versions and you don't mind some NMS, this is actually really an easy plugin.

    EDIT2: This could suit your needs. It removes the RepairCost tag from every item, if you open an Anvil GUI. (DropBox)
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
    2Buck likes this.
  6. Offline


    You're joking, right? My pick is a Fortune 3 Efficiency 4 Unbreaking 3 pick. The first time I repaired it it cost 2 levels. Every time after that it got more expensive, the enchantments never changed. Have you ever used a anvil before?

    Thanks! I'll try this! HUGE thanks for giving me actual solutions instead of bullshit posts that go nowhere!
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
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    I Al Istannen

    Let me know if it works ;)
    Currently the additional cost is cleared when you open an anvil GUI, say something if you want it differently :)
    (And the additional repair cost doubles everytime. So it costs 2^(repairs - 1) level.)

    EDIT: And be a lot nicer to other people... They are also trying to help you. (At least most likely :p)
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
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