Anyone know of a Mod that can run a script when the last player logs off a server?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ethanrider, May 30, 2011.

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    Subject says it all.

    If there are not any known mods for this, are there any events that fire that are particular to the last user logging off?

    I'm hoping to set up a way to have my server save state only when the last user has logged off, and perhaps even shut itself down after some time. (Yes I know this is not a very normal use case).

    Thanks in advance,
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    Nathan C

    I bet this is because you are home hosting.

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    Actually that's not the case. I have an Amazon Web Service EC2 instance and am working out a way to start the instance from a web form using their API, what I'd like to set up is the server doing a cooldown/shutdown script (things like doing a full dynmap render, tarring up data to a backup, creating a new AMI and shutting down) when unused, so I can run a beefier server by cutting down on unused hours spent idling.
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