Disable building while /fly enabled.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by BrianGamesLOL, Apr 9, 2016.

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    I need a plugin that disallows the pickup of items and building while flying.

    name: NoFlyBuild
    - NoFlyBuild.build (Allows building in fly)
    - NoFlyBuild.pickup (Allows pickup of items in fly)
    - NoFlyBuild.* (Bypass all)
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  3. Offline


    I need it to not place the item at all, when I place the blocks they place then are deleted thus not returning to my inventory. I can still pickup items as well.

    Would it be possible to have a little "&cYou can't place that in fly!"

    Thank you very much for working on this.
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    @BrianGamesLOL This should not be the case, I am just canceling the block place. It could be another plugin causing the error. It could also be a client-side glitch, meaning that if you clicked the stack in your inventory it would update; so I have added a check to update the inventory afterwards. This seems to be a case specific to your server, though. I have also added your message. Redownload the plugin for the update.
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