Firework effects?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by sebcio98, Apr 8, 2016.

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    Hi. I'm trying to spawn a firework effect. None of the things I've tried work :/
    - no packet for firework effect (well, that would be too easy, wouldn't it?)
    - if I spawn a firework then make it explode instantly or with <0.5s delay the firework appears, then disappears with no effect
    - this* doesn't work (since it's outdated, duh) - same effect as above

    Is it impossible or am I missing something?

    * - This code just spawns a firework with given effects and calls (invokes, actually) a method, which is called when a firework explodes.
    ShowbizLocket61 likes this.
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    Although learning with youtube is not that good cuz u can get bad habits, I will give you a link that might help you -
    Remember i gave you this link, not for you to copy paste the code, but for you to learn. If you think that is bad explained, tag me back.
    You can also check the javadocs -
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    I would love to say that your post is helpful, but it is not :(
    The film you sent is not related to the problem, it's author just explains how to spawn a firework, what I already did and even said that above. I also mentioned that I made the firework explode right after spawning it, which can only be done through detonate(), that I found in the Javadocs, or NMS.

    You know, I listed what I've already tried to keep this thread clear from answers, that don't bring anything new to the conversation. Sadly, yours is one of them.

    Maybe it's my fault for not making the topic clear enough. If so, then sorry. I'll explain it again. I want to spawn a firework effect, not the firework. It would be great to directly spawn the effect, but if that's impossible, the firework spawning and removing 1 tick later to only see the effect is also a solution.
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    So you wanna spawn the explosion of a firework only?
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    You have to spawn if the particle effects. This can either be done using the playerEffect method or through packets. If you wish to use packets, you can either use ProtocolLib or look at the following link:

    If you can't find anything for packets or playEffect, using the fire's .detonate method seems like the next easiest thing to achieve what you want.
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    ProtocolLib should be limited to what NMS is also limited to
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    Theres no such particle as "firewor particle"
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    @Gonmarte Yes.
    @Zombie_Striker I guess you mean playEffect. Firework is an entity and it's explosion is not an Effect. With detonate() there's no explosion effect if it was called <0.5s since the firework was spawned.
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