[REQ] Slow Mode

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by DomiStyle, May 28, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I came up with an idea today when the flame war under users started. (Once again :eek:)
    Muting all of them is one way but trying to find who is the bad guy is hard to do and muting all of them is annoying as well.
    I thought about the slow mode on justin.tv back when I streamed some stuff and thought it would be so useful on a minecraft server.

    Basically all you do is write /slow on and the chat (if possible support for multiworld and herochat) turns into slow mode.
    In slow mode all users that do not have the voice permission can only speak 1 time every minute.
    If no permissions are installed only ops can speak.

    Following commands could be there:
    /slow on - Turns on slow mode in the current world
    /slow on all/world - all turns on slow mode in all worlds (except the one named in the configuration file, see below) and worldname turns it on in the world with the name given.
    /slow off - Turns slow mode off
    /slow off all/world - Same as above, just turns it off
    /slow status - Shows which worlds are in slow mode
    /voice - Give someone permission to speak in slow mode without adding the permission in the permission file to him. Allows him to speak only during this slow time, not during the next one. (Typing /voice again mutes him again)
    /slow reload - Reloads the configuration file

    Following configuration could be there:
    ignore-worlds=world (What worlds the plugins ignore and can't be turn into slow mode.)
    messages-per-minute=1 (How many messages a users is allowed to write per minute while in slow mode)
    disable-slow-on-leave=true (Disables slow mode when the person activated slow mode leaves the server)
    slow-mode-commands=/msg,/party,/reply,/r (List the commands that are affected by slow mode too. For example to turn messages or mail plugins in slow mode too)
    message-slow-on=Slow mode activated! You can only chat once per minute! (Message when the chat goes slow mode)
    message-slow-off=Slow mode deactivated! You can now chat (Message when the chat goes normal mode)
    edit: message-too-many-messages=Chat is in slow mode! Please wait xx seconds before you write again. (Sets the message that gets displayed when a user without voice permission tries to write more then 1 command per minute. xx should display the remaining time in seconds)

    The permissions could be:
    - slowmode.voice (Allows speaking during slow mode)
    - slowmode.slow (Allows turning chat in slow mode)

    Since I have no idea from Java it would be so cool to get the server quiet without having to mute everyone.
    Thanks to everyone trying, reading or even making it.
    If I got more ideas I will write them down here.
  2. Offline


    ok two points, make a slow room, make floor soul sand and hello slow

    also for slow press shift.

    sorry to say but its a waste of time, you can get speed hack too if you really wanted this, just get a slow speed hack :/
  3. Offline


    I think you didn't quite get my point.
    I mean the chat goes slow mode, not the game.
    Quote from the justin.tv chat guide:
  4. Offline


    why would you want to stop people talking, that just ruins the point of multiplayer also even a busy server people dont talk much most people use skype etc
  5. Offline


    What's the point of slowing down the chat of a stream on justin.tv?
    To stop people from spamming, whining and flaming.
    Slow mode is just for temporary use when you just want people to don't spam the chat, not to let it on always.
    Jozeth likes this.
  6. Offline


    I understand what he's saying. And I like it. =)
    I've wanted a mode where you silence all of chat but the people you want to hear from but
    this is a good step toward a controlled chat speed.

    What's suggested here is if you got a bunch of people fighting.
    As a admin or moderator you want to settle the issue. not just Mute it and allow it to pick up where it left off immideaitly after unmute.

    Now instead of a chat spammed raged messages:
    jim:WHAT GRIEF?
    jim:OMG NOOB
    type /slow.
    *Chat in slow mode*
    jim:WHAT GRIEF?
    *bob you can send a message after 60 seconds...*
    *bob you can send a message after 59 seconds...*
    *jim you can send a message after 59 seconds...*
    Admin:Tell me problem bob.
    This way regular members has to be send a message with 1 minute breaks.
    Spam won't clutter chat and it'll be moving slow enough for mod/admins to observe chat at leisure and settle the issue. (while those with permissions can still talk normally!)

    Server I'm on has tons of people without mics so saying most ppl use skype isn't true in my experience
    This would be a handy tool for admins to settle fights or maybe even use as a default chat for busy servers.
    Make your messages count. =)
  7. Offline


    Exactly, thank you for the example. ;)
  8. Offline


    Sooo.. I would really like this.. Anyone up for the challenge?
  9. Offline



    I want this!
  10. Offline


    Kudos, good idea.
  11. Offline


    Sorry to bump so much but this would be a really neat plugin.
  12. Offline


    Could be done, i'll try code one not promising anything though.
  13. Offline


    Hey Burnett1 if you want a hand making this just gimmie a shout! I like the idea of this plugin a lot. And I'd be willing to make it if you give up :)
  14. Offline


    kezz101 Well you are probably more experienced so you would make a better job if it.
  15. Offline


    I dont mind who does it, but I would really love this! :p Burnett1 kezz101
  16. Offline


    If they haven't started it by tomorrow I'll do it.
  17. Offline


    Thanks a lot bro.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Alright then, good luck :)
    kezz101 likes this.
  20. Offline


    Good luck! And thank you!
    kezz101 likes this.
  21. Offline


    DomiStyle Oh quick question: do you want the plugin privately or can I release it on Bukkit Dev?
  22. Offline


    You may release.

    edit: awks. you wern't talking to me. DomoStyle hasn't been on Bukkit.org for a year I don't think you will get a reply.
  23. Offline


    Oh right sorry about that I didn't realise the dates of the OP XD
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


  26. Offline


    mal2011 I can't test it at the moment because I'm very busy :/ Could you do the honours? If everything is fine let me know!

    Download it here.
  27. Offline


    Can't do '/slow on all' and it won't recognise the world name when I do '/slow on <WORLD NAME HERE>'

    Config generated fine and /slow status works.

    Suggestion: Allow people to change the typing rate in the config

  28. Offline



    A surprise. ^~^ Link here.

    Thank you for your example. xD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  29. Offline


  30. Offline


    The reason why I went ahead and do mine. :3

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