Solved EssentialsGroupManager Prefix's not working - Tag Not Showing

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by thePeacebro, Mar 1, 2016.

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    -SOLVED- Looked through my console messages again, turns out I needed vault! Thanks for the help.

    On my craftbukkit server, I am using EssentialsGroupManager to set my groups and permissions. When I do "/manuadd thePeacebro titan", it says "You have been moved to the Group titan." BUT when I talk in game the tag still shows up as [Default] even though doing /manulistp thePeacebro says that I am getting my permissions from the titan group. So basically it knows i'm in the titan group but doesn't show the correct tag.

    Here is my Plugins folder:

    Here is my groups.yml:

    And my essentials config.yml where I edited the essentials chat format:
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2016
  2. You don't {GROUP} in the essentials config for a start, if you remove that anything you do in the groups folder under prefix will show up. You also have one space to many on one of the permission as shown below.
        default: false
         - '-vanish.effects.*'
          - +vanish.effects.toggle.all
         - admin
          prefix: '&6&lTITAN'
          build: true
          suffix: ''
    thePeacebro likes this.
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    So I have to remove the {GROUP} inside the brackets?
  4. Yep
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