Essentials Chat Formats Not Working

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by minidressy, Feb 25, 2016.

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    I have been trying all day to get my essentials chat group formats to work but the messages don't change color when i try to get it to work!
    Please help



    # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global.
    # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
    # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
    # Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
    # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
    radius: 0

    # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
    # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
    # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:

    #format: '<{DISPLAYNAME}> {MESSAGE}'
    #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'

    # Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
    # Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
    owner: '{DISPLAYNAME}&f:&6&l{MESSAGE}'
    head-admin: '{DISPLAYNAME}&f:&4&l{MESSAGE}'
    admin: '{DISPLAYNAME}&f:&4&l{MESSAGE}'
    default: '{DISPLAYNAME}&f:&0{MESSAGE}'
    moderator: '{DISPLAYNAME}&f:&5&l{MESSAGE}'
    helper: '{DISPLAYNAME}&f:&3&l{MESSAGE}'
  2. Offline


    Did you restart? Because it's not working for me sometimes when I reload.

    Also are you sure you don't use any other chat plug-ins or plug-ins with chat formats? Like Towny.
  3. If you have factions installed you need to change some stuff in the factions config which you can find in Server Name\mstore\factions_mconf open the instance file with notepad or any program of your choice.
    Find chatSetFormat and set it to false and that should fix the problem.
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