Filled Coordinates plugin! (Simple + Extensive)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jaackk, Dec 21, 2015.

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    Suggested name: Coordinatesplus

    What I want: I am looking for a plugin in which players could sell their coordinates to other players. This would be useful in factions as players could sell coordinates to faction bases. It would be best if this plugin somehow hooked into MassiveCore Factions for example a player could type /coords note (faction name) or /coords sell (faction name) and if they are within 100(or so) blocks of a claim in that faction they receive a piece of paper with the factions name and coords on so that they can sell it.

    This could look like this:


    If the plugin was developed less extensively what would be fine would be if a player could just simply type the command for example /coords and create a deal with a player e.g:

    /coords sell (faction name) (player name) (price)
    /coords sell Raiders Bob 5000

    Bob will receive a notification from Jim saying:

    Bob has offered you Raiders coords for $5,000. Do you wish to accept or deny his/her offer?
    Type /coords accept or /coords deny to decide.

    If Jim were to type /coords deny it would notify Bob saying:

    Jim denied your offer for the (faction name) coordinates.

    If Jim were to type /coords accept it would notify Bob saying:

    Jim accepted your offer for the (faction name) coordinates. You received (price) for the deal.

    Jim would then get a piece of paper with Bob's current coordinates in a similar format:

    (faction name) coordinates:
    X: 85 Y: 80 Z: 1195
    Sold by (seller) for (price)

    This last line would be useful to see if players were scamming. e.g if they sold incorrect coords staff could check the coordinates and if they are wrong, refund the player and punish the scammer.

    Ideas for commands:


    /coords sell (faction name) (player name) (price) - Starts the deal explained above ^ like so:
    Layout (open)

    (faction name) coordinates:
    X: 85 Y: 80 Z: 1195
    Sold by (seller) for (price)

    /coords accept
    /coords deny
    /coords note - Gives a piece of paper with the coordinates in the format shown in this spoiler:
    Layout (open)

    (faction name) coordinates:
    X: 85 Y: 80 Z: 1195
    Noted by (player)

    Ideas for permissions:

    coordinatesplus.use (To use any of the plugin)
    coordinatesplus.use.notes (To be able to use /coords note)
    coordinatesplus.use.sell (To be able to use /coords sell (faction name) (player name) (price))

    When I'd like it by:

    As soon as possible! :D
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2015
  2. Offline


    This is awesome and defiantly something I would like to work on! Tahg me.
  3. Offline


    @DoggyCode™ Awesome, thank you for your interests,

    Keep me updated,

    Best Regards,
  4. Offline


    Most of it is done, just gotta do the feature where you can do /coords sell Player Amount then it's done
  5. Offline


    That was quick!

    I'm excited to see it :D - Keep me updated!

    Best Regards,
  6. Offline


    @DoggyCode™ Any updates?

  7. Offline


    I'll take a shot at this.
  8. @Jaackk
    When you say Coordinates. Do you mean that exact coordinate they're standing on, or what? Honestly not sure what you mean XD
  9. Offline


    It's Christmas and I'm currently at my aunts house. I'll send u some screenshots when I'm available.

    No need. Already being filled

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Jaackk likes this.
  10. Offline


    Is it possible to make it compatible with FAactionsUUID also?
  11. Offline


    I think that's a paid plugin. So, unless another Dev has already bought it for the API, no sorry.

    If this request fails/you'd like it done a bit faster/whatever, then reply here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2015
  12. Offline


    Probably. Already compatible with Factions
  13. Offline


    When I say coordinates, most preferably the middle coordinate of the faction claim that the user typed /coords note in.

    If the plugin doesn't hook into factions, just the players current coordinate.
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