Working invisible name tag above head!

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by watteffer_Jr, Nov 28, 2015.

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    I've wanted a working plugin on this for ages. For a server that likes to have some competitive pvp, I've always thought that having a looming nametag over your head which is visible through walls, is a big disadvantage. And crouching is just ineffective for any quick-paced duel or for sneaking up on players.

    I've looked around and there aren't any working plugins for this. I know there are a few that have been made (NoNameTag & NoNameTags), but these are not easy for people to use, outdated, and some require the use of other plugins to be installed.

    So what I am looking for:

    A stand-alone plugin that will hide the name(including the rectangular box) above players heads so others cannot see their names through blocks (or just at all). The ability to control whether each individual player's name is shown or not would be very useful.

    Possible commands:

    - /hidename player [player] - Hides or shows the name of the selected player
    - /hidename group [group] - A group (through selected permissions file) will have their names hidden or shown
    - /hidename reset - Resets all names back to the default; shown.
    - /hidename all - All current players have their names hidden or shown.
    - /hidename lock [player] - The player's name will not get changed by any commands above
    - /hidename unlock [player] - The player's name is no longer locked and thus can now be changed

    Possible permissions:

    - hidename.true - Gives the basic permission for users to have their names hidden.
    - hidename.unaffected - Players with this permission can see names as normal regardless of any commands.
    - hidename.command - Gives permission for users to change the visibility of their own name.
    - hidename.command.others - Gives permission for users to change the visibility of other players names.
    - hidename.reset - Gives permission for users to reset all names back to being shown.

    I understand if any technicalities of the request cannot be done (well actually I don't ;)) - it is just a rough thought on the permissions and commands. But I'm sure the basics of what I am requesting could be, especially for the plugin to be stand-alone and user-friendly.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this!
    - Watt
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @watteffer_Jr Why that keen on stand alone?
    Some libraries are just too complicated to remake.
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    @timtower It's just easier to use and organize I guess, is it a bit too much to ask?
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    Yeah, it is.
    If a developer wants to use a Library, that's their decision
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