Items To Money

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by madtomic, Nov 6, 2015.

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    Suggested name: Items To Money

    What I want: A simple plugin where it will consume items and turn them into in-game currency.

    This plugin also needs to give ITEM_BLOCK when they are process in furnace or crafting table a custom lore: "This item is worth <value> gold coins. Right click to redeem!"


    GOLD_NUGGETS/GOLD_INGOT/GOLD_BLOCK - Consume on right click and convert it into in-game currency.

    #Item value
    GOLD_BLOCK: 90

    # Message send to players when redeeming blocks.
    message: "&6You just received <value> gold coins."
    craftmessage: "This item is worth <value> gold coins. Right click to redeem!"

    Add support for Major and Minor from iConomy.

    So, if a GOLD_NUGGETS is 2.5 Message would be You just receive 2 gold and 5 coins.

    Command / Permission

    /goldmint reload - goldmint.reload

    Dependencie: Vault/iConomy

    When I'd like it by:
    As soon as you can!

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
  2. Offline


    This seems do-able but I have one query... what do you mean by the whole 'This plugin also needs to give ITEM_BLOCK when they are process in furnace or crafting table a custom lore: "This item is worth <value> gold coins. Right click to redeem!" - I'm confused by that, care to explain? :p
  3. Offline


    The lore is added during smelting process in a furnace or process in a crafting table like gold_nuggest into gold_ingot and gold_ingot to gold_block and verse. This simple lore is to let players know that it's worth money if they right click.
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