
Discussion in 'General Help' started by sambalini, Sep 15, 2015.

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    Everytime I try to add new kits to my server I go on to the server and it just shows the default kits again. Any help? I think it has to do with my config spacing and stuff. Here is my essentials kit config: Help!!!
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    I can't see anything going through but it could be something wrong with your config not the kits section. Can you pastebin your whole config, thanks
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    @Binner_Done - look closer :)

    The last two kits in particular break the YML file.
    The reason IS spacing.

    You can't have a space after a colin when the colin is used as data as it is in the kit definitions
    This means everything must be term:datum term2:datum term3:datum , and i can clearly see spaces after name: in at least two kits at the end
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    @Boomer See I would make up a stupid excuse for not seeing that but I cannot be bothered. All I can say is Ooooops
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