In game Group Chat Colors

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by andrewginn, Sep 8, 2015.

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    Hello, I am not using the format because I simply do not need to. All I want this plugin to do is have a command where you can change groupmanager group chat colors. Basically if I wanted the group Admin to have red chat I would do /chat admin red. the permissions for this would simply be colorchat.admin
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    You can do that in essentials :D
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    @WitherPlayzHD Yeah I know but It would be a lot less hassle if there was a plugin. And if you make a problem in essentials it usually makes the config a broken.yml
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    If you mess up formatting in any plugin's config it'll break the file ;)
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    Yes but because essentials is so big, it is easy to break it xD
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    @dhinely That is for the groups and the color of the group names. @boomboompower Yeah that's my point I mess up one part and it's all done for.
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    @andrewginn are you saying you want to change the suffix with a command or the prefix?
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    No no no, I mean change the groups color in chat. For instance they are speaking in white color atm but if I could change the actual GROUP chat color to a different one using a command
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    Just saying, you can still open the broken config. You can remove commands of essentials by removing them off the plugin.yml file.
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    You could maybe ask the owner for a custom version?

    Also I might try make the plugin, be warned this is only an attempt and the chances of me making it work is low xD
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    I made a plugin that fits this description, it even lets people with permissions set their own chat color, however to use it you need to use vault and not care about suffixes, if you do care about suffixes I can create a plugin that does what you want, I was gonna implement it into a 1.8 port of essentials, it hooks into vault and gets the player's suffix, translates to applicable chatcolours then puts it before the player's message, it also has permissions for every colour which means you could let a player set their colour to green or blue but none of the rest
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    I could make it so when the player chats, it checks if a player has a certain permission e.g and it would change their chat to red and so on.
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    Yea, you can have it, i'll send it when I get home from college today, about 6 hours for me from now.

    That works, but then for ops or high groups you have to add all negating perms, like if you want blue for your highest group and white for the lowest you would have to -f -e -d -c -b -a -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Assuming that you would follow hex order and go 0 - 9 then a - f
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