Group Manager Locked!

Discussion in 'General Help' started by sambalini, Aug 28, 2015.

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    Hi something is wrong with my Group Manager. I restarted my server and then when I went on and when I try to use a group manager command it says. "All commands are locked do to an error". I am guessing it has something to do with me configuring something wrong in my groups.yml for my Survival world because I just edited it and the problem occurred right after I edited my groups.yml. Here is my groups.yml config for my Survival world and here is my mirroring config also if needed P.S I just installed EchoPet and put commands in. Do I need to do something with EchoPet before I add commands to my groups.yml?
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    Only one problem! :) (Fixed version)


    prefix: '&0[&8Coal&0]&f:


    prefix: '&0[&8Coal&0]&f:'

    You were missing one apostrophe, lol.
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    Wow who knew an apostrophe would do it! Thanks again @oceantheskatr :)
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    No problem, happy to help!
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    Everyone who knows that an apostrophe isn't the same as the letter j or m but really a special character that conveys function by denoting "everything that comes after me is to be considered as something typed like a message and isn't data until the next one after which time everything is data again"

    The simple space is the more frustrating one, one space missing where needed, or extra, will break a 3000 line file just as easily too.
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