Tutorial How to make an item glow with no enchant

Discussion in 'Resources' started by hammy2899, Jul 19, 2015.

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    Hello, Hami here.

    Today I'm going to teach you how to make an item glow like it is enchanted but with out it being enchanted and with out an enchant being in the lore of the item!

    Ok so lets start!

    First you will need to make a new class and just call it something like Glow.

    Then you want to make it extend Enchantment like this:

    package me.Test.hammy2899;
    import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
    public class Glow extends Enchantment {
    Then it will say there is an error, that is because you need to add the missing methods.

    Add all the methods and leave them as default.

    Like this:

    package me.Test.hammy2899;
    import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
    import org.bukkit.enchantments.EnchantmentTarget;
    import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
    public class Glow extends Enchantment {
      public Glow(int id) {
      public boolean canEnchantItem(ItemStack arg0) {
          return false;
      public boolean conflictsWith(Enchantment arg0) {
          return false;
      public EnchantmentTarget getItemTarget() {
          return null;
      public int getMaxLevel() {
          return 0;
      public String getName() {
          return null;
      public int getStartLevel() {
          return 0;
    Now you need to register the enchantment. To do this just make new method in your main class or your API class like this:

    public void registerGlow() {
            try {
                Field f = Enchantment.class.getDeclaredField("acceptingNew");
                f.set(null, true);
            catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                Glow glow = new Glow(70);
            catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
            catch(Exception e){
    Then run this method onEnable like this:

        public void onEnable() {
    Now you have finished making the glow now all you need to do is add it to an item.
    To do this you will need to make a new ItemStack and ItemMeta like this:

    ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.STICK);
    ItemMeta itemMeta = item.getItemMeta();
    Then you need to add the enchant like this:

    Glow glow = new Glow(id);
    itemMeta.addEnchant(glow, 1, true);
    The "id" is the id you want to set the enchantment as, because all enchantments have an id.

    Now you have done this you can give the item to a player like this:

    Then your done!



    Leave a like if this helped you and I hope you learned something today!
  2. Offline


    Very nice thanks!
    Helps alot
  3. Offline


    I've been looking for this for a long time. Thanks!
  4. Offline


    Thanks! This is a very nice tutorial :)
  5. Offline


    You could also add an empty NBTTagList to the items nbt :)
  6. Offline


    You can but this way is simple for people who don't understand NBTTags
  7. @hammy2899 When I do:
    Glow glow = new Glow();
    Inside Glow(); I put 34 which is Unbreaking 1 and I still keep getting the enchantment name in the lore?

    EDIT: Anyways nice tutorial, I will use NBTTag
  8. Offline


    The id you put in needs to be different to all the Minecraft enchantments because your making a new enchantment when I did it I used 70
  9. Offline


    Adding an empty NBTTagList to an item does no longer work. If you add a new NBTTagCompound to that list and set its type to 10 it tries to retrieve information from the enchantment and makes it a protection enchantment at level 0, because the lvl and id entries don't exist in the map. It will glow then, but you can also see that it has an enchantment applied.

    You should maybe add a check in the registerGlow method which verifies if the enchantment with id 70 has already been registered, otherwise it will always throw an exception if called a second time (plugin or server reload). Well it won't display an exception since there's a try and catch around it, but adding this check will prevent the unneccessary try to register the enchantment.
    hammy2899 likes this.
  10. Offline


    Oh thanks !
  11. Offline


    @DarkBladee12 ah, ok. Its been a while, :p

    EDIT: I was doing some testing, it works in vanilla o.o (/give rbrick wool 1 0 {ench:[]}), but I guess this isn't really vanilla is it :p
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2015
  12. Offline


    Yeah, it seems like Bukkit/Spigot added some extra checks for validating certain nbt tags.
  13. Offline

    Orange Tabby

    Thanks :D. I've always wanted to do this, but never figured out how to :D
  14. Offline


    Wouldn't you have to register the new enchantment as 69 or 71? Now that 1.10 added a new enchantment that im pretty sure took up the id 70.
  15. @MCnumi Correct.

    Changes could be made to this so the id is dynamic and will always change to an available id
  16. @hammy2899
    This is effectively doing nothing but acting as if their is an enchantment. To add custom code for this item, I would need to write events checking if the item in hand contains an enchantment, right (question mark here)
  17. Offline


    Orrr just do 255, or 179, thats random enough :)
  18. Offline


    Or for loop through all the enchantments that exist until you find an ID that has not been taken. That way, there can never be any conflicts.
    ArsenArsen likes this.
  19. Offline


    Can you please make a download??
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    And what would you download then?
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