Help with decimal numbers

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SrNicks_, Jun 28, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    How to remove the numbers after the point in a decimal number?

    b = 1.15
    He would remove the .15 and would be only 1
  2. cast it to int
  3. Offline


    You're using Ints/longs instead of Doubles. Either make the constructor a double or (if the constructor is a double) ad a cast to a double.

    [edit] Looking at your question again, it makes no sense. What do you want?
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  5. Offline


    Just floor it bro, not familiar with flooring in Java, but I would think it's just floor() or Math.floor() or something
  6. flooring is pretty much the same as casting to int
  7. Offline


    Basically lol
  8. Offline


    Solved thanks for helping.
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