kit per life probem!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mihalaras11, Jun 25, 2015.

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    hey there i am working on a kit plugin and i have a problem i want my player to get a kit per life in the begining of my main class i have created an array list caled kits
    ArrayList<String> kits = new ArrayList<String>();
    on each kit i check if the player is the list if yes i send them a message
                player.sendMessage("§cYou can only use one kit per life");
                return false;
    and in the end of the kit i add them to the list
    now in the botton of the main class i have created an event onplayer death to remove the player from the list so they can get again a kit again
    public void onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent e){
        Player player = (Player)e.getEntity();

    when i test it when i use a kit i cant get another but when i die it doesnt remove me from the list...

    also is it possible to remove a certain item from my player inventory

    for examble i want when he uses /reffil to remove all his bowls and soups and then give him new soups

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    Did you register the listener class?

    Yes you can remove items from players inventory.
    Loop through the inventory, check if the item is a bowl and replace it with a Bowl with soup
    mihalaras11 likes this.
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    and what is the replace command?
    the first worked fine :p
  4. @mihalaras11 First off, use UUID not their name.
    Did you register the event?
    Just loop through the inventory, if the item is a bowl set it to soup.
    mihalaras11 likes this.
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    thanks guys! i did it with the easy way i said when he types reffil remove all the bowls and soups and and add new soups but thanks!
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    Please mark your forum post as Solved if you have figured it out. Becuase I came over here to help but you already figured it out.
  7. Ignoring the fact this is solved:

    Make 'kits' a List, not an ArrayList.

    List<String> kits = new ArrayList<String>();
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    well i have another question is it possible to make a new item stack based on item id? i mean istead of using
    ItemStack soup = new ItemStack(Material.MUSHROOM_SOUP, 5); can i replace the mushroum soup with 282 which is its id because i want to make config and let players edit the kits and i dont want to make them write MUSHTOOM_SOUP but 282 which is easier
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    and how do i select ammount i tried 282, 5 but didn't work
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