How to get an NBT attribute using this lib?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by westjet, May 29, 2015.

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    I'm trying to get an NBT attribute from an ItemStack, but whatever I tried using using this library has resulted in an exception.

    I'm using this:

    I have the "Attributes" class and the "NbtFactory" class.

    I want to get the attribute "generic.attackDamage" on a player's item in hand.

        public void interactDamage(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
            if(e.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_AIR || e.getAction() == Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
                if(condition1) {
                    Player p = e.getPlayer();
                    NbtCompound other = NbtFactory.fromItemTag(NbtFactory.getCraftItemStack(p.getItemInHand()));
                    Utils.echo((int) other.getPath("generic.attackDamage") + ""); //Utils.echo is basically Bukkit.getLogger().info(), but just faster for me to type because I do a lot of debugging.
    I would like to try to avoid using NMS for such a small thing like this. How do I accomplish this?
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    post please. You should also try contacting the creator of that resource.
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    Yes, but I'm not the creator.
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    He was last seen a week ago. I'm hoping someone has used that library and knows how to work it OR someone has another idea on how to get an attribute from an itemstack.



    As much as I hated writing it, this is what I'm using now until I get a better method:
    public static double itemToDamageValue(ItemStack i, Player damager) {
            Material m = i.getType();
            double damage = 1D;
            if (m == Material.DIAMOND_SWORD) {
                damage = 8;
            if (m == Material.DIAMOND_AXE) {
                damage = 7;
            if (m == Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE) {
                damage = 6;
            if (m == Material.DIAMOND_SPADE) {
                damage = 5;
            if (m == Material.IRON_SWORD) {
                damage = 7;
            if (m == Material.IRON_AXE) {
                damage = 6;
            if (m == Material.IRON_PICKAXE) {
                damage = 5;
            if (m == Material.IRON_SPADE) {
                damage = 4;
            if (m == Material.STONE_SWORD) {
                damage = 6;
            if (m == Material.STONE_AXE) {
                damage = 5;
            if (m == Material.STONE_PICKAXE) {
                damage = 4;
            if (m == Material.STONE_SPADE) {
                damage = 3;
            if (m == Material.GOLD_SWORD || m == Material.WOOD_SWORD) {
                damage = 5;
            if (m == Material.GOLD_AXE || m == Material.WOOD_AXE) {
                damage = 4;
            if (m == Material.GOLD_PICKAXE || m == Material.WOOD_PICKAXE) {
                damage = 3;
            if (m == Material.GOLD_SPADE || m == Material.WOOD_PICKAXE) {
                damage = 2;
            //Basic Critical Hit Detection
            if(damager.getWorld().getBlockAt(damager.getLocation().subtract(0,1,0)).getType() == Material.AIR) {
                damage = damage * 1.5;
            return damage;
    Last edited: May 29, 2015
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