Inactive [GEN] Essentials v2.1 [?]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Zenexer, Jan 19, 2011.

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    So does this work with the config.yml file in Permissions? Does this work with Permission v1.9 because when i try /modgrp it crashes permissions and everything reverts to vanilla
    Wow i don't know what I was just thinking. But whenerv i do try /modgrp, all my plugins reset. I'm pretty sure there are no errors in either config file, any ideas as to why this is happening?
  3. Offline


    Could I suggest a command? Could there be an /extinguish command to stop fires from spreading? Maybe even a toggle command to make it so fire doesn't spread?
  4. Offline


    Zenexer has mentioned in previous posts that an 'alias' system is on the way - custom aliases for the full commands in Essentials. It'll allow a lot of command conflicts between plugins to disappear :)

    I'm definitely +1 for this, or at least a function which won't show help for commands which are in the disabled list for starters.
  5. Offline


    I don't know about this as Zenexer does not like to dupe others work in this case adding that command is takeing away value from worldedit I would suggest Worldedit dor all your block fixing,editing and then along side it WorldGuard for your protection via blacklist's and zones.

    This plugin is here I think to provide the essentials ,ie what others inc bukkit in its current state have left out, of course a plugin was sort of made useless "wont mention names" but that could not really be helped.

    I guess my conlusion stands really based on the foundation if this plugin actually removes the command checks when you disable them in the config as this would then mean it's not adding the bulk to your server. Meaning that you have a choice to use whats there for basic support or you can look for another plugin for more advanced functions and turn the ones that are here off.

    I see necrodoom did report the help bug, yea he discovered it lastnight while we constantly broke the permissons system with /mod lol, Seemed back then Mod would also give you a group tha did not exist and well lets just say permission was angry after that. Hope you got that fixed up as well :p.

    Eaither way I'm impressed with your quick turnaround times you should apply or something to help work on bukkit, maybe fix that craftbukkit issue with spawn :( I dunno how they messed that up.

    Anway yea I gatherd it was two spawns that casued the issue as yea craftbukkits spawn and our plugin's spawn are actually 2 seperate spawns :O was easily fixed but this ment we ran into the issue I thought had something to do with your plugin, sorry about that I was not sure if it was your plugin but I did make a support request on area of bukkit were you post bugs.

    oh gosh I rambled to much anyway thanks for the fix for groups and the auto fixing permission is nice going to test this soon.

    Will you know if anything odd arises.
  6. Offline


    so is /modgrp working for anyone? It just keeps negating permissions when I do it, no other essentials command, and then i have to restart. Anyone?
  7. Offline


    BUG Report:
    Sorry if this has been said alredy

    but there seems to be no checks on /i
    as in I can do the command "/i 238 1" and it will give me 1 of a non existant item
    witch then crashes the client repeatedly
    I have to wait 5 or so minuets for the item drop to despawn
  8. Offline


    I would donate if you could do a couple things:
    • Some sort of zone system where you mark cuboids where teleport request can not be used (in or out). Better yet leave the cuboid work up to WorldGaurd and just let us specify region ids!
    • I forget the other thing and will edit it in when I remember.
  9. Offline


    Hi guys.

    I have the problem with spawn. the region is to great. How i can disable the anti build from spawn ?
  10. Offline


    Others have pointed this out, I know, but Essentials conflicts with other plugins in a way that's relatively easy to fix. For instance, I use my own /kit command and do not give my users 'essentials.kit' permission.

    The proper behaviour for Essentials would then be to let the /kit command pass through uncancelled, instead of cancelling it with a message saying the user does not have permission.

    This simple change would solve most incompatibility issues. Help is ofcourse a more complicated problem, one which cannot be solved by any single plugin but will likely require some API work in Bukkit itself.
  11. Offline


    You mean like an offical Group Permissions API :p.
  12. Offline


    Works like a charm for me. The only thing not working at all is the help system, it is totally screwed up, showing all 12 pages of commands for all users.
  13. Offline


    Any part of plugin handling isn't working for me. When typing /plugin list client crash. When typing /pr (command from Permissions) it's trying to reload all plugins and make them disabled my bukkit version is 166.
  14. Offline


    What permissions version are you using? I'm really baffled as to why is isn't working for me.
  15. Offline


    can someone explain what I need to do to restrict who can /modgrp who?
  16. Offline


    Dear OP,

    Can you please help me locate the file where the list of commands in /help is? I want to add more as plugins usually include commands and I forgot I have them when I don't see it in the list! It'd auto-add in hMod but obviously we're in Bukkit now.

    Just sayin', it'd help :p
  17. Offline


    That's not built in. I suggest turning off /help in essentials and downloading MCDocs to use as your /help editor. It has a lot of great features and can give your players a very robust list of helpful commands. You will have to add each line on your own, but after doing it once you'll be set and you can just add new commands as you upgrade or install plugins.
  18. Offline


    Hello, I was using the essentials plugin for my basic commands, and its been working fine. just last night however, sometime between 5 am and 11 am est, it stopped working correctly, and is now giving me the error in the attached image. is anyone else getting this?

    Attached Files:

  19. Offline


    It's having trouble parsing your configuration file. You'll notice the error referencing "[1] Be respectful" which is part of the default Rules for this plugin. Maybe you have some Tab characters which need to be replaced with spaces? Something is problematic in there, anyway.
    kynian likes this.
  20. Offline


    Oh my god I didnt even notice that xD thanks so much! works perfectly now!!
  21. Offline


    Anyone point me in the right direction to find the /help function so that I could modify it to list all the commands on our server?
  22. Offline


    Thanks, I'll try that out. But how do I disable the /help part? Or will it be overridden anyway?
  23. Offline


    There is no way to edit the /help from what I've read, though you can use the mcdocs mod ( to add your own custom one from what Ive read. I have yet to test it, but ti seems like this is the best way to go about it.
  24. Offline


    I get an error, dunno if it's bad, but it is there anyway.
    29-jan-2011 19:31:29 org.bukkit.earth2me.essentials.Essentials loadData
    SEVERE: null
    java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Map
    at org.bukkit.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.loadData(
    at org.bukkit.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.reload(
    at org.bukkit.earth2me.essentials.Essentials.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.c(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.d(
    2011-01-29 19:31:29 [INFO] Loaded Essentials b122 by Zenexer, ementalo, Eris, and EggRoll
  25. Offline


    in the config.yml file under the disabled-commands section you can add - help and - motd to stop them from being available on the server. You can use that to turn off any feature of essentials that you don't want.
  26. Offline


    I'm getting the infamous "unacceptable character #FFFD special characters are not allowed" error no matter what I try, even with the default config. I have examined the config file byte for byte in a hex editor and the error message is simply incorrect. Tried editing the file with Notepad, Wordpad, Notepad++, joe and vi. The same problem occurs in Windows and Linux. shows no complaints. I don't see this problem with any other plugins, which leads me to suspect that the parser library you're using may be either misconfigured or broken.
  27. Offline


    I came here as a last resort :D, I have been using essential/general on a server hosted on Jestservers. All of a sudden, yesterday, nobody could log in. I uninstalled essentials, and suddenly the problem was gone. People are getting end of stream errors, as well as others. I tried reinstalling, same problem. I realize that i probably haven't given enough information to get help, but the people at the server provider say that it's not working for anyone, and they can't help. Anybody got any ideas? After much searching... there really doesn't seem to be any alternatives to this plugin
    Edit: same problem using general plugin
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  29. Offline


    hey Zenexer, i noticed when i download your plugin, that nick was disabled automatically. i looked on the wiki for config example, it was the same coding. me and my friend couldn't figure out why nick wouldn't work when we DLed it so i opened the file, and there it was. im just sayin that i think nothing should be in the disabled area, or that you tell your users to change that somewhere in the help file. [​IMG]
  30. Looking at the code, this is currently set to reload only plugins that use permissions classes, can you verify that the plugins that are reloaded are not using permissions
  31. Offline


    Your wiki says the following:
    • /tpaccept: Accepts a teleport request
    • /tpdeny: Accepts a teleport request
    Is this correct?
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