Code Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by legend_of_link15, Mar 26, 2015.

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  1. Plugin category: Gift

    Suggested name: SecretCodes

    What I want: A plugin that allows players to input a code that gives them either items, ranks, money, or a message

    Ideas for commands: /SecretCodes (Main; /Sc for short) /SecretCodes Create
    (Creates a Code) /SecretCodes Delete (Deletes a Code) /SecretCodes Edit

    Permissions: Sc. (All Perms) Sc.Create, Sc.Delete, Sc.Edit
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    Clearly he needs a plugin that does things and such and afterwards pulls a rabbit out of a hat

    But seriously, you need to elaborate on exactly what you want the plugin to do. Like what happens when you type each one of these commands?
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