Scoreboard easy

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by RyuGamer97, Mar 17, 2015.

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    Hello such'm sorry my bad English Colombia

    and tried to make a plugin scoreboard where players exit the deaths of my server name money (money system similar to hypixel) people online ads and a few more things ... I would like a plugin so someone could help me make it editable meidante eclipse or config ... not like those who are already thanks
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @RyuGamer97 I really have no idea what you are trying to say.
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    @RyuGamer97 Is that some sort of secret code or something? What on earth did you just say?
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    @Faith @timtower I sit it do not speak very well English treatment of saying any insole of example or something to be able to edit easily a scoreboard since it is done easily by the block this of commands is my first plugin and I understand perfectly his use and function what I try to ask is a type of code to edit it to the use free in this code I do not achieve the kills makes work or that aparesca as sidebar only in below name I explain much better? Thank you for answering and not to retire

    this code my frist plugin

    I have seen the tutorial api of chescholorate something this way worse does not work and ride left as 1 year

    you understand ?
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