KitPvP Plugin, Show UsedKit and health for the killer!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ImVaargen, Mar 14, 2015.

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  1. Hello! I need help with a code. It is when someone kill a player it will shows the player that died off the killer a message, it will shows what kit the person had to kill and how much health he had.

    My code. This code is not working.
        public void onPlayerDeath1(PlayerDeathEvent e){
            Player p = e.getEntity().getPlayer();
            Player k = e.getEntity().getKiller();
            Damageable d = (Damageable) p;
            k.sendMessage("§7You killed §3" + p.getName());
            p.sendMessage("§7You got killed by §3" + k.getName());
            p.sendMessage("§7HP: §a" + d.getHealth());
            p.sendMessage("§7Using the kit: §a" + kit that the person used to kill the player here );
  2. @ImVaargen Firstly, you should use § you should use ChatColor.
    Secondly, did you make the kit plugin?
    Lastly, Why are you getting a damageable? Why not use k.getHealth()?
  3. 1. okay, i can use ChatColor....
    2. Yes, this is just the killed bit.
    3. the k.getHealth(); is not working. I got errors on getHealth.
  4. Offline


    Off-Topic: Why is ChatColor better to use over the section symbol?
  5. Offline


    In the event that the symbol is changed, you are going to have to go back through your plugin and change each symbol; however, if you are using ChatColor instead you will be fine. It is also easier to read.
  6. @ImVaargen Well since you made the kit plugin just track what player has what kit and then check what kit that player has.
  7. Offline


    Ah okay
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