Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by BoomScoom, Mar 6, 2015.

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    it appears to be leftover debugging output from a plugin possibly, that the author forgot to remove or silence in a release version. Its not going to be from rock-solid plugins like essentials, worldedit, worldguard etc - but more likely from smaller plugins and anything custom made for you.

    If you dont have a clue which plugin it might be coming from, you need to start disabling them - simply rename the plugin .jar files to .jam , no deleting necesseary - they wont run when the server starts. Disable a couple plugins at a time, see if the effect disappears, if not you can reenable those and disable a couple more, etc, etc

    Find the culprit first, then see if the config file for it has a verbose / debugging mode setting that can be disabled that may have been enabled, and if not that, then look into the possibility that that build version you have is spamming it out and see if there are newer builds from the author that correct that, or report it to the author.
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