Insomnia-GTA Bounty

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Insomnia-GTA, Feb 22, 2015.

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    Suggested name: Insomnia-GTABounty

    What I want: I'd like a simple bounty plugin... (customize-able) It will broadcast to the whole server '%prefix% &7%player% &bplaced a &a%money placed% &bbounty on &7%player%'

    Prefix: '&7[&4&lInsomnia-GTA &5Bounties&7]' (can be changed in the config)

    Ideas for commands:
    /bounty help - Shows list of commands
    /bounty {player} {$} - puts a bounty on a player
    /bounty list - shows list of bounties

    Ideas for permissions: - allows players to use /bounty help
    bounty.add - allows players to put a bounty on a player
    bounty.list - allows players to view the list of bounties

    When I'd like it by: ASAP!
  2. sure I can make this for you kind sir please respond as soon as possible then I can make the plugin as soon as possible.

    so I have a few questions,
    I take that the bounty will stay while a player is offline and while the server is down or do the bounty's reset when a player logs of or when the server rests

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
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    Yes... it will stay until they are killed... if they die by fall damage it still stays because nobody killed them
  4. okey kind sir, I will start the development now I will right code for u u get me vodka( the last thing is a joke ofcourse this is understandable but just so the bukkit staff wont ban me ill say it) :)
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  6. yes @bwfcwalshy really and it will be done tomorrow sorry that I didn't get it done today @Insomnia-GTA but I kinda have to go to sleep xD
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Mao If you hook into Vault then you support them all
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    Vault / iConomy / EssentialsEco
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    I made what you are looking for. Exactly what you are looking for but without the permission nodes. It does need an update with Vault but I don't have the source on hand... Here it is just in case:

    Ok so I updated the plugin. Sadly I can not log in to Bukkit Dev on this computer so I had to upload it to Spigot. If it is not allowed to post the link here then a moderator can remove it. <Edit by Moderator: Redacted not allowed paid resource url>

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2016
  11. Sorry for the delay, I would have been done almost a week ago if I would not have caught a nasty little cold that made me unable to do anything for a few day's. I am going to try to finish it by Thursday maybe if I have some extra free time by Wednesday, if you are going to use any of the plugins that are listed above by @imaboy321 then please let me know :)

    Greatings Mao.
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    @Mao .... I will not use the ones above. Thanks for makings his plugin for me!
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