Solved How can I do a timer on a plugin?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ZygoZ, Feb 19, 2015.

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    I have a plugin just like tpa thingy.. Where you have to request another player to get teleported, to him.. I just wanted something like a request timeout.

    Anybody know how to do that?
    - Thanks.
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    Try doing a repeating task, then create a countdown method. Not sure, correct me if I'm wrong.. Never worked with countdowns :p
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    It's called a cooldown. Make an array, and add the player to the array if you want him to have the cooldown. Then, make a runnable which only counts down for players in the array.
    Watch this:
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    Thread.sleep is not a proper way to do it, I wanted to know if there was some other way.
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    There's a search engine called "google". There are lots of other videos/posts on this.
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    @ProMCKingz Google? :confused:

    @ProMCKingz Well.. Now I have a cooldown for the command.. Now I just want a timeout.. I'm a newb. :'(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
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    @ProMCKingz Both videos are bad practices. Protip : exclude YT from searches related to programming by appending "".

    Now that you're not distracted by bad results, here is a good post, except you would use UUID's @ZygoZ (I actually had a player rename during a 4 hours long countdown with a very outdated plugin :()
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    Some code taken from my UHC plugin,
        public static void startBorder() {
            border = 5000;
            blocksLostPerSecond = 1;
            new BukkitRunnable() {
                public void run() {
                    if (border != 250) {
                        border = border - blocksLostPerSecond;
                    else {
                        for (Player p : GameManager.getOnlinePlayers()) {
                            p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.NOTE_BASS_GUITAR,10,10);
                        Bukkit.broadcastMessage("§6§l>> §5The border has been frozen at §d§l250§5!");
            }.runTaskTimer(Main.getInstance(), 20L, 20L);
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    @ProMCKingz Why use video tutorials?
    @mythbusterma has told us enough times why video tutorials are bad xD

    new BukkitRunnable(){
    public void run(){
    }.runTaskLater(<instance of main class>,<time before the timer starts>,<delay>)
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    I think I got something going for me.. Thank you for helping guys! :)
    Funergy likes this.
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