Solved Is it possible to get a hash map from a config file?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ZP18, Feb 6, 2015.

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    Hi I would like to know if you can get a hash map from a config file, the config file would look something like this:

      key1: value1
      key2: value2
      key3: value3
    and the hashmap would be: Key: key1/key2/key3 and the Value: value1/value2/value3

    Is it possible to do this? I would like to know because I have an idea.

    Thank you for any help!
  2. Offline


    I also want to know for my problem to see what im actully doing :\
  3. Offline


    Loop through the keys in the ConfigurationSection 'heads', and them to the hashmap with their respective values.
  4. Offline


    oh that makes sense!
    1. HashMap<String, String> keysWithValues = new HashMap<String, String>();
    2. Object[] keys = config.getConfigurationSection("heading").getKeys(false).toArray();
    3. for(int a = 0; a < keys.length; a++) {
    4. String key = keys[a].toString();
    5. String value = config.getString("heading." + key);
    6. keysWithValues.put(key, value);
    7. }

    EDIT: I would normally use:
    1. int i = 0
    but it stuffs up with the italic stuff
  5. Offline


    I sort of disagree with this. I'd use the serializable interface.
    1Rogue likes this.
  6. Offline


    How would you achieve this?
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    There's a ConfigurationSerializable interface, or something like that.
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    Additionally ConfigurationSections are Maps.
    Darkpicasa likes this.
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