Item Drop At entity event

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Divinity Realms, Feb 7, 2015.

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    Divinity Realms

    I got this code to work when a player kills a zombie & other mobs
    How can I make it drop a custom item? I know how to make it spawn an entity but just not a item. heres the code:
        public void money(EntityDeathEvent event)
            //Entity Killed
            Entity deadEntity = event.getEntity();
            //Entity Killer
            Entity killer = event.getEntity().getKiller();
            if(killer instanceof Player)
                if(deadEntity instanceof Zombie || deadEntity instanceof Skeleton)
                    deadEntity.getWorld().spawnEntity(deadEntity.getLocation(), EntityType.WITHER_SKULL);
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    If you're going to drop multiple items, I recommend you to use World#dropItemNaturally(), because this drops the items with a random offsets, so the items aren't all dropped on the exact same place.
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