Spawning Colored Firework Particles

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bobthefish, Jan 24, 2015.

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    The title says most of it, but I would like to know how I can create 1 colored firework particle, not the whole burst.

    I have looked all around, and seen that there isnt a surefire way to do this, but does anybody know of any way at all to do this?
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    @bobthefish Packets
    Example to spawn particles:
    ((CraftPlayer) p).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutWorldParticles("reddust", (float) loc.getX(), (float) loc.getY(), (float) loc.getZ(), offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ, speed, amount)
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    Yes I was aware I was going to need packets, my question was more along the lines of "how can I change the color, and only spawn 1" :p But thank you for replying (The speed attribute does not affect color of firework particles)
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    @bobthefish You can't change the color of fireworks spark particles.
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    Isn't it possible to use reddust instead?
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    Yeah, just not fireworks.
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