Block Count Sign

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by CarrotBox, Dec 29, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: BlockCountSign

    What I want:
    I'd like a plugin that you would select a region with worldedit and type in /bcs create (name)

    Once you create a BCS you would place a sign down with the format of the following

    Once you create that the sign will become this:
    &f&nBlocks Left:
    (These numbers are just examples)

    In order to remove a blockcount sign, you will need to crouch and hit it

    Ideas for commands:
    -/bcs create (name)
    -/bcs remove (name)
    -/bcs reload
    -/bcs check (name) [This command will display this when typed: &9(name) has 250/500 blocks left. (50%)

    Ideas for permissions:
    - blockcountsign.create will allow the player to create a region
    - blockcountsign.check will allow the player to check a region
    - blockcountsign.remove will allow the player to remove a region
    - blockcountsign.reload will allow the player to reload the plugin
    - will allow the player to place and remove a blockcount sign
    - blockcountsign.* will allow the player to do anything with this plugin

    When I'd like it by: Soon hopefully.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
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    I can try to make this for you. Shouldn't be too hard. I will make the max region size 9999999 blocks so that it will always be able to fit on a sign. That just means your region can't be larger than 215 x 215 x 215 or some similar size. Though you shouldn't need to make a region that big.
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    How is it coming?
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