Temp Ban

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by King_Amun_Ra, Dec 23, 2014.

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    I'm having a little trouble making a temp ban plugin. Basically here's what I'm trying to do.

                    Bukkit.getServer().getBanList(BanList.Type.NAME).addBan(ban.getName(), settings.getData().getString("Reason." + ban.getName() + " For: " + time1), current, p.getName());
    And for current I need a way of getting the current date, adding a certain amount of days or hours.
    If I use
    it doesn't change the month if it goes over 31 it just sets the day back to 1. For example if its the first of December and I add 40 days it would be the 9th of December when it really should be the 9th of January.
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    @King_Amun_Ra Use SimpleDateFormat and do your operations and then back to date But i think you can get date by Milisec so add days on miliseconds and then parse them to date object, there are few tutorials on the internet to do this :#
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