Need Use Plugin!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Christian Bartell, May 11, 2011.

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  1. I need help finding a way to set use to true and build to false for a seperate world. Ive been searching for hours all over the fourm!! Please Help!
  2. Offline


    Permissions is what you need, it has multiworld support
    Christian Bartell likes this.
  3. I dont think your understanding what i need. I need for people to push buttons, open doors, get in beds, but not build on a spawn world I have set up. Im using groupmanager right now, but when I set build to false, people cant press plates and buttons!!
  4. Offline


    You never actually said that, you said build true:false. So before you flame......
    Why do you only have them doing that, point??
    Just use permissions to not allow them acces to anything. Or just use a regions plugin to stop them from deleteing or building blocks
  5. do you have any suggestions, sorry i got kinda mad, was almost late for school
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