Addressing a major problem- Servers that refuse to follow the EULA.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Tecno_Wizard, Nov 29, 2014.


Should the Bukkit community enforce the EULA for Bukkit servers?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

  3. Yes, but I do not like the suggested way of doing it.

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    It is amazing that the new EULA started to be enforced in August. While it may seem to have been so long ago, I do not know of a single server that has been taken down for monetizing. I ensure that everyone that is reading this (besides some angry server owners)are upset over the blatant disregard for the law. And for those that are saying "It's just a blog post and can't be enforced in court," please just shut your pie hole. Mojang stated it, and it SHOULD be enforced. We all know what the problem is-- the EULA is in no way being enforced.

    But it can be. BY US.

    I know for a fact that all Bukkit servers make a check to the Bukkit site for authenticity.
    We could use that to shut down a server remotely.

    Are there any Curse or community mods that support this idea? We could blacklist servers that refuse to follow the EULA (With reasonable warning, of course), until they clean up their act. We all know that you can still make lucrative servers following the EULA. Look at Mineplex for goodness sake!
    A poll has been posted to see what the stats are on people who support or don't support this idea.
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    What is wrong with you ?
    ChipDev and Bart like this.
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    Marten Mooij

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    As a matter of fact, I am. LOL. But seriously, it's a problem that needs to be addressed.
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    What? If enabled they check for updates. There is no mechanism to shut down the server via that pathway.
    Jadedcat and Hawktasard like this.
  6. Locked, Mojang are in charge of enforcing the EULA. This has also been locked so it doesn't start a shitstorm.
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