BlockAction Packet

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by oasis9, Nov 28, 2014.

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    Hello Bukkit forums, we meet again.
    Need help with this packet, I want a chest to have its lid open using this packet, as I found on, and on the linked page,, is said that the packet is used for Note Blocks, Pistons, and Chests. The page states that the packet is used to make the chest appear open or closed, depending on a defined byte value, of 2 bytes - The first, which is unused, so remains always at 1, and the other, 0, close, 1, open. Self explanatory

    TL;DR: How can I use the BlockAction packet to make a chest look open, it just isn't working.
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    oasis9 What isn't working... Give us your current code and/or stack-trace.
    You would probably do something like this
    PacketPlayOutBlockAction(x, y, z, 1, 1, Blocks.CHESTS);
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