Particle Effect (Fire ; Vortex)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Blaze590, Nov 11, 2014.

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    Hey guys! You may not know me but that doesn't matter now does it. So I am new to particles (I know other stuff though)

    Anyways, I need to create a fire vortex effect shooting out of their hand. So when the player shifts (i have that done) they have this appear where they look at it for 3 seconds.
    Also! I need it to rotate around. I already know im using the mob spawner particles

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    You can use a particle library , like particleeffect and you can use effectlib with dragon effect
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    Well, I don't want anyone who uses this move to have to download another plugin
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    Blaze590 Yes but you can't remove the old ones.
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    You don't need copy another plugin , particleEffect is a class and you can take the source code because effectlib is open source
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