Solved Eclipse doesn't use the new getOnlinePlayers()

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Panjab, Oct 21, 2014.

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    Hey there!

    As you might've known, Bukkit changed the return type of getOnlinePlayers() from a Player[] to a Collection<? extend Player> some time ago.
    But unfortunately, my Eclipse always imports/uses the Array-Method, even though I am clicking on the method returning the Collection.

    Removing the imports, creating a variable and all that stuff doesn't work. It just wont stop using the Array.

    Hope you can help me.
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    Are you using a version of Bukkit that still uses the array method?
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    teej107 I am using a version which includes both of them, the deprecated and the new one.
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    Panjab A single version won't include both of them. What version(s) are you using?
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    It says 'v_1.7_R4', so I'm really not sure what version it exactly is.
    But it definitely supports both methods:


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    Panjab Go into your build path and look what version you are building against. One thing, unless you are using NMS, don't use CraftBukkit, use Bukkit.
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    Okay, however, it suddenly started using the right method.
    Thanks for helping though, teej107.
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