Stomper like McPvP

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by luiskeniosis, Oct 12, 2014.

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    Plugin category: PvP

    Suggested name: Stomper

    What I want: Okay so, there are not alot of plugins with this function.

    Basically what it does, is when u jump off a height, you will take <Custom Number> of fall damage, but if there is a mob/player under you, they will take: 1. Set amount of damage. or 2. The damage YOU (person jumping off the height) would normally take.

    There are a few plugis that do this, like i said but they don't work like i want them to, example, can't customize damage in config, not having a config, and more.

    I would like to have the abillity to custimize damage, have the dmg apply to ALL player including OPs, and to be able to set the radius of if the stomp will do damage.

    If you have any questions of how this works (i know, im bad at describing) message me and i'll talk to you VIA skype.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: What ever you need for it to work.

    When I'd like it by: No time limit. Take your time, i know this might be hard.
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    Well I use this plugin or
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    Yes i've tried both, Hg-Stomper has no custimazation on the kit (Which i need) and hg-abillitys does not work on op-ed players
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    - -mcpvp.stomper.bypass
    to the op group in the permissions and the won't bypass hgabbilites.
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    luiskeniosis Done. I Haven't tested because I cant get on Minecraft right now but theres a config and just read through it to see how you can edit them. Also the permission node for stomper to actually work is:

    <font color="#1061b3"><Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    EDIT: Oops, forgot to register the events. I updated the link! It should work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2016
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    [quote uid=90976050 name="Infuzion" post=2846865]luiskeniosis
    - -<font color="#333333">mcpvp.stomper.bypass</font>
    <font color="#333333">to the op group in the permissions and the won't bypass hgabbilites.</font>[/quote]

    wow.. im dumb, xD thanks!
    (but i think i'll use IReD_xBlaDez's plugin as it is exactly what i need)

    [quote uid=90734738 name="iReD_xBlaDeZ" post=2847607]luiskeniosis Done. I Haven't tested because I cant get on Minecraft right now but theres a config and just read through it to see how you can edit them. Also the permission node for stomper to actually work is:

    <font color="#1061b3"><Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    EDIT: Oops, forgot to register the events. I updated the link! It should work.[/quote]


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2016
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